Day 1797.
It’s been a lot.
The Sackler / Purdue bankruptcy trial has been threaded through my every thought.
And now it is over.
In a shocking twist (not), the Sacklers get everything they wanted.
Their personal fortune, which they sucked from the company and stashed off shore as soon as the walls were closing in, is safe and they are shielded from further litigation.
Oh .. and nobody is in jail.
The compensation numbers seem huge and make a sexy headline splash ….but read the small print… over how many years? distributed to? from where? The Sacklers will likely make a profit somehow, because they can out smart us all.
Look up what they spent on lawyers over the years.
And if that wasn’t enough .. the Sackler machine is already at work to thwart any appeal with a letter (Early draft) to the Department of Justice purporting to be written in conjunction with the victim body.
Is there no bottom for the Sacklers?
Here’s the real case .. moral bankruptcy.
Oh and is the world now safe from this highly addictive drug?
The new company that emerges from the ashes of Purdue Pharma will be allowed to continue making and selling opioid products, including OxyContin. Says Brian Mann at NPR.
So, will the FDA change the demonstrably fraudulent insert?
Will it still be recommended for chronic pain and long term use?
We all know the answer to that.
The “how to” playbook is now written for all future corporate drug dealers.
All that was tried here was whether the US justice system is for hire.
And clearly, it is.