Meet Addicts Where They Are
Day 1304.
George’s friend tells me that she has spoken with the people who help the homeless in downtown LA.
They report that many want to get off the heroin but still use the weed and how that excludes them from the free system that NA offers.
Yes, I know that the ideal is to be fully clean! But hey! Baby steps guys! Not that coming off heroin is a baby step by any account.
Wanting to come off heroin is a huge step forward. How can they be helped in this massive undertaking?
As I sit here in my garden, vodka and cigarettes fuel my comfort. If I was homeless on the streets of LA , dealing with all that brought me to that point - would considering complete abstinence be a plausible goal?
How can we help these people take this new version of ‘Step 1’ - to give up the heroin?.
People say of most every large undertaking - ‘one step at a time!’
How about?: Step 1: Kick the heroin and let’s see where you are. Then we can talk about the weed? You’d say that to most anyone coming off multiple prescription medications.
Should there be a new version of NA with a new step system to work, before you get to the THE steps? A pre NA?
These workers are calling for something that meets these addicts where they are. A system realistic in it’s goals.
And now, of course, I am considering the same for Luke, as if it was still an option, as if he’s not even dead.
Constantly reaching out to meet him, wherever he is.