‘lukelove goals for 2022’ the note is headed.
It is taped to my computer monitor and stares at me as I procrastinate.
The five items listed are ambitious, written in a fit of invincibility and maybe some rage, impatient at my lack of progress.
1. Renaming of the Sackler Rose.
Well, Sheila, that’s done! 2 months into 2022 and I can cross that off my list, and I do, with a flourish of my pen and renewed vigor. I muse at the fact that with so many lives at stake, that was my first item. It was a long standing tantrum. I am far from perfect. Onwards and upwards!
2. Form a collaboration with Narcan distribution organizations out of state.
This is the biggest of them all.
The lockdown world of Zoom has changed things.
I am training people how to reverse overdose with Narcan remotely and so through the massive arc of Luke’s friends, I end up training people across the USA and beyond, but I can’t send them my California grant supplied Narcan.
I envisage a linking of hearts and minds across America…
”Hey, I just trained someone in your state - could you send them a Narcan Kit?”
And conversely…
”Hey, Sheila, I just trained someone in California - Could you send them a lukelove kit?”
and I’d be happy to send them in whatever branding they may use.
This seems logical, right?
But so far, I have failed.
Leaving me with “In your state you can get Narcan through …”, which misses the mark on so many levels.
So, what are my options?
To buy my own Narcan, which even at a recognized community outreach reduced rate, is very costly. My funding will dry up fast.
To buy intramuscular naloxone, which is a fraction of the cost, and train them to administer it, which is a little more challenging.
Both options are problematic.
So, I am working well above my hitherto capabilities to fix this with the various state programs throughout the USA.
This will also enable me to guide others, as I was once guided, through the hoops of setting up Narcan distribution and training organizations for themselves, in their state, and so, keeping it local and close to the heart.
3. Get Narcan onto every film set.
Every set has a medic but they are not required to carry Narcan. Many do, many do not.
Liability is a fear despite excellent laws that cover the liability waiver comprehensively.
I am not targeting the film industry per se, but it is an industry close to my heart because of Luke, and it is well known, as with many industries with long hours, to have issues with substance use.
I will have to find a way to exonerate the studios, so they don’t view Narcan on a set as an admission of a problem. It’s 2022 guys… this problem is everywhere.
Once I have a way to get Narcan to anyone in any state, I can embark on this.
The Teamsters, may be a way into this too.
4. Stop misinformation through TV & film.
There are many urban myths about opioid overdose reversal, exacerbated by the film industry.
”Don’t believe what you see on TV”… they said in my first trainings.
I constantly see it... cold showers, ice baths, adrenaline shots, milk, salt water… NOOO!
I am well placed to start this ball rolling through my Hollywood network. Get on it, Sheila!
5. A lukelove Instagram with snappy facts about fentanyl and OD reversal.
”Mum, that’s how information is shared in this century” says George.
I clearly have much to learn on how to impart vital facts in small bites, linking credible media sources that George’s generation trusts, that are easy and fast to read and are demonstrably true.
Yes, there were many conversations that included statements like
‘The truth can’t be written in a sound bite, George!’
‘Mum, they aren’t going to read a massive government document... they just want to know how much of the supply is tainted with fentanyl and what to do’.
OK, George, you are, as always, right.
Now that this is public, I feel daunted.
But there was a time, in my early grief, when brushing my teeth, let alone my hair, was all too much.
And now here I am…
I have published a book and an audio book, which sell and reportedly help people.
I have a blog and a website that I am proud of.
I have completed Compassionate Bereavement Care Certification.
I have a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
I have access to free Narcan.
I have trained over 300 people to recognize and reverse an opioid overdose.
I have sent out 246 Narcan kits.
And to quote little Luke… ‘best all of all’… had reports of FOUR overdose reversals!
That’s four Mothers who, on that day, were spared the twisted threads with which I live.
“Damn, Mum!… That’s what’s up!” I hear Luke exclaim.
I did not do this alone.
I had SO much help.
To all of you who helped me achieve this, whether you fed me, sat with my sobbing, created my website, encouraged that book, copy checked, taught me software programs, suggested that training, guided me to the Narcan work…
this is your achievement too.
Time to pay it forward.
On it!