Real Friends?

Day 477.

17 months without Luke.

So where are all his real friends?

“Mum, he’s my friend!”

So many anonymous friends.

So where were they?

Luke was sober for years.

Yes, he fell off. But would return.

He was great sober.

Funny, extrovert, good at his job.

He would socialize, watch them all smoke marijuana and drink, not participate, and drive them all home.

His great love met him sober too. I suspect his relapse was partially responsible for their break up.

His childhood friends in England knew he was sober and so when he fell off, where were they?

They took the ride, the blast, the fun, they took it all. And everyone ignored me. I was the fun police.

And now? Are they broken and lost? No.

Most have moved on.

New boyfriends.

New horizons.

And me?….No.

When the kids are raging, partying, using, they have a bond for sure.

And at the time that seems so much more than the bond with your family.

But now?

It is my life that is forever changed, not theirs. They miss him, I am sure, how could they not?

But they party on.

Would real friends have stopped and thought about Luke?

What is best for Luke?

Did they?

Where was that friend?

Sheila Scott